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Season 113 - Clash of Clans - Winner Announcement !!!

Not a lot of points were scored on the last two days of the season. Team Denmark and Team England each managed to secure six extra points, and with a 7 point lead two days ago, Team Denmark is our champion once again. Well done! Team Belgium takes the last podium place for the third season in a row, so it almost seems like the top three positions are locked from the beginning of the season. It will be interesting to see if next season’s quizmaster, Sander van der Heyden will be able to attract new playes so Belgium will be able to take the final steps up the podium. Belgium did after all have the highest average, so adding a few more players might do the trick. At the end of the season, the final score looks as follows:

Team Quizzers Points Average Denmark 16 123 (+6) 7.7 England 13 116 (+6) 8.9 Belgium 7 69 (+3) 9.6 Sri Lanka 7 48 (+3) 6.9 Australia 4 33 (+2) India 4 20 Norway 2 18 Germany 1 13 (+1) France 1 12 (+1) Scotland 2 12 USA 2 9 Japan 1 5 (+1) Serbia 1 5 Bulgaria 1 3 Philipines 2 (+2) 1 The Most Valuable Players of each team were:

Denmark @Lars Bo Friis (12) England @Bob Thompson, @Duncan McDonald, @Marion Jarrett Tony Moore (11) Belgium @Dorian Willems (14) Sri Lanka @Indika Jayasinghe (14) Australia @Sally Gridley (10) India @Prabhash Gorkan (9) Norway @Øyvind Pedersen (9) and @Geir Horvik (9) Germany @Hendrik Scharpenack (13) France @Dhruv Sharma (12) Scotland @Chris Grandison (7) USA @Alyssa Morgan (6) Japan @Ruon Saito (5) Serbia @Radmilo Dimitrijevic (5) Bulgaria @Dimitar Georgeiv (3) Philipines @Gab Josh (1)

Well done, all of you!

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