Last season, we had no real news. The season before that... nothing to write. Well... this season is different! The Android app should actually be in Google Play Store as you read this. So I hope that all you Android users out there will download the app, take it for a spin and let us know what you think. As I have stated before (ad nauseam) this is an mvp. More featuers will be rolled out over the coming months. And the IOS-version is also in the makings and it will not take as much time adapting the Android app to a new platform as it did to make that one from scratch. So to all you Apple folks out there... please be patient a (little) while longer...
Okay, enough app-talk, because the new season is about to start. This time the questions are made by three-time Quizzypedia champion John Robinson and I can tell you that you are in for a fun set. So sharpen those pencils, keyboards and phones and get ready...
Game on!