I would like to begin by thanking all the Qweeps who have sent me sets of questions. I know that I sort of, kind of promised to go through them during the Easter break. Unfortunately (fortunately, really) something happened that requested all my time (and then some). For that (sort of unspecific) reason I haven’t been able to look at them at all yet. So please do not see this as ingratitude from my part - I really appreciate that you made questions for us – it is simply a question of hours in the day. I will get there, I promise. And now for a bit of app-talk. During this season we should be adding two new features to the app. One of them is requested, the other is not – it is probably not even wanted, but it is necessary.
First the requested one. We will be adding an e-mail log in option. Quite a few of the regular Qweeps do not feel comfortable logging in with Facebook or Google, so this has been high on our to do list for quite some time.
And now for the unrequested one. We will be adding adds in the app. We will attempt to do it as unintrusively as possible, and we would love to have your feedback on the matter, but we need it to cover at least some of our the expenses we have for hosting etc. So we hope that you will not be too unhappy with this change.
And speaking of the app, I would like to take the opportunity to encourage all the android users out try it out. You can download the Android App here:
If the link doesn’t work. Simply go to Google Play and search for Quizzypedia. That should do the trick.
Okay, no more chit chat for now, because it is almost time to quiz again and I am happy to announce that 7 (sic!) time Quizzypedia champion Sisira Mark Antony from Sri Lanka is returning to the role of guest quizmaster. So sharpen those pencils (it’s always nice to have sharp pencils) and get ready for the new season. Game on!