Season 122 had a difficulty of 48 which is a slightly difficult season. This season was as predicted even more difficult. The averaged difficulty of the season ended on 44 - it has been more than ten seasons since we had an equally difficult season. Hendrik Scharpenack, the quizmaster of the season, asked me before making the questions if it would be okay to make the questions a little more challenging than usual. I agreed, so the heightened difficulty was entirely on purpose. Therefore, I tip my hat to Hendrik for achieving his goal so perfectly by creating a set of very challenging questions. Thank you for the questions – I hope you will be ready to make another set for us at a later point.
A difficult set of questions usually means no perfect seasons. This was also the case this time, but four quizzers got very close. Dorian, Duncan, Kevin and Ronny all ended on 13 points which activated the tie-break. The topic this time was popes from the first two centuries. The topic proved to be line with the rest of the season, difficulty wise. There were 15 correct answers to the question. Ronny managed to correctly identify 3 and Kevin got 4 popes right. Dorian and Duncan each named 6 popes. However, the sixth pope on Dorian’s list was the first pope in the third century which deducts a point - a tough fate, considering that it was an extremely educated guess, but the rules of course had to be followed. That means that Dorian ended on 4 points like Kevin. Duncan on the other hand only named popes on the list which means that he is our new champion. This is Duncan’s 8th championship and he is now tied for second place in the Quizzypedia Hall of Fame. Quite a feat. Please get on your fet and give a standing ovation to this outstanding quizzer! Tie-break breakdown:
The answers to the final three days of the season are: _________________________
Day 12 of 14 Category: Oceans, Rivers and Lakes On its way to the Black Sea the Danube, Europe's second longest river passes Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Moldova, but which are the two source rivers that meet in Donaueschingen to form the mighty Danube? One is the Brigach, name the other.
Answer: Breg
Day 13 of 14 Category: Religion The Lotus Temple located in New Delhi is the most visited sacred building of this religion that was founded in the 19th century in Iran. The religion is estimated to serve 5 Million adherents. Its name is derived from the Arabic word for glory or splendor. What is the name of the religion?
Answer: Bahá'i
Day 14 of 14 Category: Chemistry Named after the American architect R. Buckminster _____ for its resemblance to his geodesic domes e.g. "The Montreal Biosphere" this allotrope of carbon was discovered in 1985. Their molecules consist of carbon atoms that are connected by single or double bonds to form a (partially) closed mesh. Because the form resembles a soccer ball, the molecules are informally called Buckyballs. What are the names of these molecules? Add "ene" to the last name of the architect and you will have the answer.
Answer: Fullerene __________
Hall of Fame
Tony Moore 18 (Season 111) Laruchka Budelinik 8 (Season 85) Duncan McDonald 8 (Season 124) Dan Palethorpe 7 (Season 79) Allie Livesley 7 (Season 87) Sisira Mark Anthony 7 (Season 119) Mette Mølgaard Pedersen 6 (Season 14) Jens Andersen 4 (Season 107) Kathryn Hutchinson 4 (Season 108) Dorian Willems 4 (Season 113) Sarah Jane Bodell 3 (Season 84) John Robinson 3 (Season 104) Bob Thompson 3 (Season 112) Sander van der Heyden 3 (Season 122) Morten Mølgaard Pedersen 2 (Season 4) Jonas Ravn 2 (Season 15) Nick Cuthbert 2 (Season 21) Remi Nikolai Nissen 2 (Season 23) Adrian Allen 2 (Season 32) Michael Clark 2 (Season 37) Bjarke Hansen Christensen 2 (Season 70) Kasper Fuhlendorff 2 (Season 72) Isuru Anuradha 2 (Season 88) Ananthakrishnan Harikrishnan 2 (Season 98) Ida Rud 1 (Season 9) Troels Leth 1 (Season 13) Inge Støttrup 1 (Season 16) Karen Friis Clausager 1 (Season 26) Andy Rowe 1 (Season 27) Tine Kristensen 1 (Season 33) Andrew John 1 (Season 34) Franz Eichhorn 1 (Season 46) Thomas Kolåsæter 1 (Season 52) Chris Grandison 1 (Season 64) Mads Theodorsen 1 (Season 92) Bastian Fischer 1 (Season 94) Bob Douglas 1 (Season 102) Rishabh Gupta 1 (Season 103) Indika Jayasinghe 1 (Season 114) Gert-Jan Dugardein 1 (Season 116) Dhruv Sharma 1 (Season 117) Ronny Swiggers 1 (Season 120)