It’s time for yet another special season. As your regular quizmaster is still on vacation, Sarah

and Dan have agreed to share the task as quizmaster. This is the first time a US citizen (Sarah) will host a season, so it will be interesting to see if that adds a new flavour to the questions. I can’t say much about the season yet, but one thing’s for sure… y’all better be ready. Although both Sarah and Dan are relative newcomers to Quizzypedia Sarah already has a qp trophy on her mantelpiece and Dan has proven himself to be a top contender too. Please give them your warmest welcome.
The season begins on monday 22nd at 11 am CET. One question each day for 14 days – three days to answer. The questions will be posted at 7 o’clock (CET) on the following 13 days. Use the send message button at the bottom of the post to submit answers. A correct answer will get a thumbs up, an incorrect answer a thumbs down. The correct answers are revealed on the page after three days.