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Season 105 - News !!!

It is time for a bit of news. During the last two weeks a lot has happened on the page. First of all we made a blog section ( In there (here) you can read our news posts, see who won a season, get the tie-break questions etc. - basically all important updates will be posted there. For those of you who do not wish to check the blog every second minute, you will be able to see the three latest posts underneath the leaderboard - so do remember to scroll all the way down.

Another major update was making a Forum section on the page ( In there, you can write to each other (and us) about all things Quizzypedia, all things quiz, you can promote your own or other quizzes and you can talk about things unrelated to quizzing, if that’s what you want. So far, the Forum is pretty empty. In fact, if you stand in just the right position you can create a quite impressive echo. We do, however, hope that you guys will soon fill it with interesting threads in the upcoming weeks. So far, only “Frequently asked questions” ( has some content, because “Socrates” was good enough to ask us about some things that we are... well... frequently asked. So we hope that you will check that out. 

One thing that activating the Forum means is, that you can now make your profile public. Making the profile public means that other users can see your statistics and more importantly that you can chat with each other directly on the page. To write something in the forum or to comment on a blog post, your profile must be set to public. We also gave you the opportunity to have better control over the notifications the page sends to you. All you have to do is to go to settings on your profile page and turn off the notifications you do not wish to receive. 

Apart from the above-mentioned additions to the page, we made a lot of minor tweaks and bug fixes. We finally got the quiz-rules on the page ( and we added a Terms of Service page ( and a Privacy Policy ( We hope that you will like the new additions to the page, and we hope that you will tell us what you think. It is only through your feedback that we can really improve the page.

And now it is almost time to start quizzing again. This time, veteran quizzypedia quizzer Marion Jarrett has made the set for you. I think it is a great set, and I hope you will enjoy it. Stay tuned... Game on!

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