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Season 93 - News

Updated: Aug 20, 2020

Attention all Quizzypedia quizzers

It is time for a small announcement from your regular quizmaster. First of all, I would like to

state, that I hope you are all okay in these very special circumstances. I know that quizzing might not exactly be a top priority in these trying times and I completely understand, if you are taking a break from the quiz. I know that Geir Horvik is spending most of his waking hours trying to keep the Norwegian hospital system afloat (well done, mate!) and I am sure that many others among the regular quizzers have to go the extra mile for the sake of society. On the other hand, maybe a bit of quizzing is exactly what we need to keep our minds occupied and keep what is left of our sanity.

At this very moment, I was supposed to be in sunny Florida with my family (plans that for obvious reasons went south) and therefore I reached out to Isuru Anuradha to hear if he would like to take my place when I was away. Luckily Isuru was very keen on the idea, and therefore I am happy to announce that he will be running the upcoming season. Isuru is a two time Quizzypedia champion, but it is his first run as a Quizzypedia quizmaster so do show him some love… in the time of Corona.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Sisira Mark Anthony for running the current season. I think he did a great job and it is always interesting to see how others approach the task of being a quizmaster. Do give him a big round of applause.

I will return as quizmaster after Easter and I am already looking forward to getting messages from all of you soon again. But until that time, I hope you will have fun with Isuru’s set of questions – I know that I am eager to see what he cooked up for us.

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