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Clash of Countries - Season 4

The season kicks off with 12 competing teams. As always (I’m tempted to say) the three first spots are taken by Denmark, England and Sri Lanka. However, quite a few players usually join on the third day of the season, so the scoreboard might look entirely different tomorrow. It is great to see that many of the Belgians from last season are still showing up for this season too. Maybe they will get a place on the podium this season. Australia is all the way down on 8th place. They are usually a lot higher in the tables, but with only three players participating so far, that might prove to be difficult. Maybe the Aussies will give their fellow compatriots a friendly nudge…

Team Quizzers Points

Denmark 13 23

England 10 15

Sri Lanka 8 12

Belgium 6 11

India 3 5

Norway 2 4

Serbia 2 3 Australia 3 3

Germany 1 2

Japan 1 1

Romania 1 1

Sweden 1 2

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Henrik Mølgaard
Henrik Mølgaard
05 dec. 2020

Day 12 - Update Two days before the end of the season Team Denmark has managed to pull away from the English. With a margin of 14 points Team England has their work cut out for them, if they want to steal the trophy from the Danes with just two days to go. Similarly, Team Belgium has pulled away from the Lankans and seem determined to get there first ever podium position. In fact, Belgium is only 15 points away from the English, so second place could actually be within reach. The final scoreboard and the MVPs will be revealed at the end of the season.

Team Quizzers Points

Denmark 17 (+1) 111 (+27) England 14 …


Henrik Mølgaard
Henrik Mølgaard
05 dec. 2020

Day 8 - Update After a few days without an update, it is exciting to see that the competition is fierce. Only six points are separating Team Denmark and Team England at the top of the tables. Belgium and Sri Lanka is having an even more intense fight for the third spot on the podium as Belgium is only two points ahead of the Lankans. The battle for fifth place is almost as close as India is only four points ahead of Australia, and no one can tell who will end on seventh place as Serbia is only two points ahead of Norway. The hardest questions are still to come, though, so it will be increasingly difficult to get the points…


Henrik Mølgaard
Henrik Mølgaard
25 nov. 2020

Day 3 update After the first three days, Team Denmark is still in the lead, but Team England is working hard to close the gap and there are only three points between the two teams. The battle of third place is even more intense as Belgium is only one point in front of the Lankans. Third place is Belgium’s best placement ever, but will they be able to stay on the podium?

A special shout out should go to Paul Culloty and Vidya Kumar for putting Ireland and the Philippines on the CoC scoreboard for the first time ever. Good luck with the rest of the season! Team Quizzers Points

Denmark 16 (+3) 40 (+17)

England 14 (4)

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