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Season 118 - Clash of Countries - Winner Announcement

Clash of Countries – Season 11 – Winner announcement

As predicted two days ago, Denmark is back on the Quizzypedia throne – this is their 9th championship. Well done! As always England did have a strong finish, but not strong enough, and this time, the Belgians finished even stronger with a very impressive 8 points over the past two days – Denmark only managed to scrape 3 points together. On Day 12, I predicted that the most interesting battle would be the fight for fourth place. India was up by one point, but with more players than Australia, so just one extra point for the Aussies would take them past the Indians. As it turns out both teams scored two additional points which means that the Indians managed to keep their spot. Well done... Team Quizzers Points

Denmark 18 142 (+3) England 13 115 (+7) Belgium 9 93 (+8) India 8 48 (+2) Australia 6 47 (+2) Sri Lanka 6 41 (+1) France 3 21 (+2) Germany 2 19 Scotland 2 15 Bulgaria 2 9 Philipines 1 8 Japan 2 (+1) 8 USA 2 8 Norway 1 6 Serbia 1 5 The Most Valuable Players of each team were:

Denmark @Hans Ewald Skov Hansen, @Jens Andersen, @Lars Bo Friis, @Millie Nymark (11) England @Duncan McDonald (13) Belgium @Ronny Swiggers, @Sander van der Heyden (13) India @Rishabh Gupta (11) Australia @Phill Denman (11) Sri Lanka @Hasini Minuvanpitiya (10) France @Dhruv Sharma (12) Germany @Hendrik Scharpenack (10) Scotland @Chris Grandison (9) Bulgaria @Georgi Zhechev (6) Philipines @Julius Caezar Dizon (8) Japan @Ruon Saito (7) USA @Alyssa Morgan (6) Norway @Øyvind Pedersen (6) Serbia @Elvis Polomi (5) Well done, all of you!

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