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Writer's pictureHenrik Mølgaard


Per intention, season 79 was easy peasy. Well, that might of course be stretching it a bit, but if you look at the all time leaderboard (that has finally been updated -…/1i-U3x-855isF_5HOGRXfwL0-nR…/edit…) the following ten (sic!) players broke their own record: Øyvind Pedersen, Debajyoti Adhikari, Anders Pedersen, Arnab Sinha Roy, Duncan McDonald, Ned Pendleton, Kirsten Aagaard Nielsen, Nathan Hamer, Alyssa Morgan and Søren Brøndum Laursen and the following ten quizzers tied their own record: Dan Palethorpe, Stig Riiber, Claus Josefsen, Sarah Jane Bodell, Max Damgaard, Anthony May, Bastian Fischer, Prabhash Gokarn, Malle Nymann and Søren Brøndum Laursen. So relative to other seasons, this season was easy!

But did that mean that we had 17 quizzers with perfect seasons and a huge tie-break? No! Only one perfect season, but 5 quizzers were just one point shy of that accomplishment. So who was the last man standing? Up until day 13 6 quizzers had still not taken one misstep, but the Ukrainan Terror-Famine tripped up Anders Pedersen, Jens Andersen, Kasper Fuhlendorff, Kathryn Hutchinson and Sarah Jane Bodell, and although Dan Palethorpe struggled to remember the supercontinent of yore on day 14 it eventually came to him. That means that Dan is our new champion. This is Dan’s seventh championship - quite an achievement. Congratulations! Please give him a big round of applause.


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