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When I made the question set for season 95, I almost replaced a few of the easy questions, because I was afraid the season as a whole would be too easy. I should have probably done that, because I am sure it would have made the season easier. Four of the questions had a hard-o-meter setting that was more than 20 % off to the difficult side, so you were in no way in for a walk in the park.

Despite that, all quizzers soldiered on and a few of you came close to perfect seasons. On the last day of the season 4 quizzers, Bryan, Duncan, Niels and Sisira were tied for first place with 12 points each. Therefore, it was tie-break time as so often before.

The topic was German Bundesländer. Bryan named 3 states, Sisira 7. Niels and Duncan both claimed to have nailed the question, but the trouble was that one of them only named 15 states and Germany has 16.

I am quite certain that Niels will be kicking himself because he is the one who missed a state. And the worst part about it is that the state he did not mention is Schleswig Holstein, the only state that shares a land border with Denmark. Duncan on the other hand was right about his prediction and named all 16 states correctly. That means that Duncan, once again is our champion. This is Duncan’s third championship. Please give him a big round of applause!


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